The GISUblood donation drive gives a chance to people to give back to the community, so your donation is more than just blood. It’s a gift of hope, kindness, and a brighter tomorrow. Thank you to our amazing donors. #GISUblooddonationdr
Last weekend’s Family Painting Day was a beautiful celebration of creativity and connection! Thank you to all the families and friends who joined us to make lasting memories together. Here’s to the bonds we’ve strengthened and the art we’ve created! #educate #inspire #explore
Today’s ‘Meet your child’s Teacher’ event was a great start to the new academic year! Looking forward to a year of learning and growth, all while enabling a conducive working and learning environment for our students. #educate #inspire #explore
Opening day at GISU yesterday was a testament to hard work and excellence. Congratulations to our candidate students and dedicated teachers who made us proud! #educate #inspire #explore
Celebrating our outstanding candidates for their outstanding performance in the Cambridge Assessment International Exams! #educate #inspire #explore
GISU Staff Development Workshops Mondays are for new beginnings and we’re applying our EduPage training to make the classroom even better! #educate #inspire #explore