Parent Workshops – Galaxy International School Uganda

Parent Workshops


On Saturday the 9th of December, 2017, GISU held the first in a series of Parent Workshops, aimed at strengthening the crucial three-way relationship between the school, parents and students and identifying ways of delivering consistent guidance to our students as they grow and develop.

Dr. Evelyn Kahiigi, Head of IT at Makerere University and Chair of the PTA of Gayaza High school was the main speaker on the theme of “Supporting our students to work smarter not harder”. She was followed by Mr. Eward Tebandeke, Head of ICT at GISU, on the theme of “E-Safety & Digital Citizenship”

The event was closed with a video and words by Mr. Mehmet Köylü, Principal of GISU.

The more than 50 parents who attended participated in lively discussion and shared practical solutions for the development of our students and the relationship with the school. In the intermission and after the event, they enjoyed snacks and the opportunity to chat more informally with the speakers, staff and each other. Some parents shared their views in a video interview and many more via feedback slips which will be used to inform future workshops. All parents received a certificate for their participation.

GISU thanks all parents, speakers and staff who took part and looks forward to future workshops and developing an ever-improving relationship for the good of our students.

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