PARENTS ORIENTATION 2018/19 – Galaxy International School Uganda


Galaxy International School Uganda was on Saturday 25 th August 2018 abuzz with Parents who made it
for the Parents’ Orientation Evening at 3:30 pm in the Conference Hall. The session commenced at 4:05
pm with Welcome remarks from the Coordinators who introduced the members of staff.
The Principal, Mr.Koylu took the parents through an overview of all the school programmes which
entailed: the Curriculum, CIS Accreditation, the Year’s Events, the Extra- Curricular activities, Field Trips,
IELTS, Cool SIS, Discipline, Character First Education, Research, CPD and Careers & Work Experience. The
teachers in charge were invited to substantiate on the given programmes. After the Presentations, we
conducted a Question and Answer Session- an Open Discussion in which Parents sought Clarifications on
pertinent issues. A commitment was made by the school of a Fees Discount for our Outstanding
Candidates- as they continue to the next level at GISU.
The session was concluded with the Principal’s closing remarks which released the whole party of
parents for the Open interactions and Refreshments at the Terrace. The Parents were treated to live
music led by the Violinist Mr. JP the Music Teacher as they met the teachers and shared notes on their
children’s career plans and aspirations. It was a rich informative evening well spent.

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