Reception Pupils having fun playing the number monster hop game, associating quantity to numerals using objects of their choice and dramatizing the ‘five little monkeys’ during the numeracy session. Kindergarten 3 having an awesome time learning about their body parts through action songs and mosaic pasting activity related to this term’s theme ‘All about me’.
KG 2 students had a lot of fun at the playgrounds today during the break time.
Playing with goop is a great “Sensory Play” activity. Sensory Play helps children understand all five of their senses: touch, smell, taste, see, and hear. When several senses are stimulated during play, children get more opportunities to explore, discover, and develop their own creativity at their individual pace. Benefits of playing with goop!!! Language– Sensory […]
GALAXY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL UGANDA About: Galaxy International School Uganda (GISU) is a co-educational school located in Lubowa, the school provides international education to students between 2 and half up to 19 years of age. From Early Years to Year 13 students are taught using student-centered methods. Emphasis is on the development of the […]
Early Years End of Year Assembly. HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
Work without play makes John a dull boy…